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The quickest & most popular take off technique amongst advanced surfers.
Find a take off that works for you. Discover 4 pop up techniques, learn about their advantages and disadvantages.
Surfboard Shaper Thomas Bexon of Thomas Surfboards discusses with us how you should be choosing your next surfboard and why the shape affects your surf progression.
How to pick a surfboard that’s right for me? Learn the different characteristics of the main surfboard types to choose the proper surfboard for your level.
Learn how to Stand Up on your Longboard properly. The “Take Off” (or Pop Up) technique to get your feet on the surfboard efficiently.
Surfing better starts with paddling better. The better you paddle, the more waves you catch, the quicker you progress. Learn the proper technique.
Learn how to “pass the break” using the “punching through” technique. The push through technique uses your speed and flotation to drive you through waves.
Learn the basics of the surf stance and surf better, with more style! With proper technique, you will accelerate, slow down & turn your surfboard properly.
What you MUST know about Surfing before heading out in the Ocean. Surf Ethics, the Proper Equipment, Choosing the Right Surf Spot & more.
Learn how to position yourself to find, catch & stick on unbroken “green” waves. This technique helps you to prevent nose dives.
Learn how to angle your take off (or “pop up”) so you may draw your line either right or left on the shoulder of a wave.
You’ve been surfing for one year. You’ve done a few surf trips, you know how to take-off, stand up and follow a line. You understand more and more how waves break and how to manage your speed.
The way you distribute weight on your surfboard has a tremendous effect on the surfboard’s direction and speed over the water. Learn the right techniques to carve and trim on a surfboard & get more control.
Why volume is so important? What does it mean for your surfing? How much your surfboard floats on the water changes everything.
Learn the important unwritten rules of surfing: A code of conduct for beginners to stay safe and be respectful of other surfers.
“How do I know if the wave is a right or a left”? “How can I know when a wave is going to break”? “What is a closeout”? These are very common questions we get from our travellers.
Learn 11 of the most important security aspects to consider before you try surfing for the first time.
The Turtle Roll is a great technique for you to stay in control of your board and not get pushed back too much by the white water.
Just because you’re a beginner surfer doesn’t mean you are a kook. Surfers can be kooks at different skill levels. Here is our definition of a “Kook”.
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